engraved wooden sign south melbourne market

Every customer-facing business wants to be memorable, sticking in the minds of their customers whilst ensuring that they can’t be mistaken for any of their competitors. After all, it’s no coincidence that the majority of successful brands have a defined sense of personality and purpose within their stores, both online and in person. This is where custom signs can be an invaluable part of your store design process.

At Vector & Raster, we have been providing premium laser cutting services to individuals and businesses across Australia for over 15 years. So, to help you add a dash of signage style to your store, let’s look at ways that you can transform your business using custom signs.

Assess Your Aesthetic

This is the most important step before you start designing your custom signs, as it will help you to choose the style, materials, and overall look that will suit your specific store. For example, if you are the proud owner of a retro 80s-inspired barcade, then you’re probably not going to get as much in the way of cohesion from rural-style wooden signage than it will from colourful, eye-catching acrylics or plastics.

Consistency and cohesion are both very important when creating a defined brand aesthetic for your store. That said, if you’re trying to transform your business and completely revitalise your space with a whole new vibe, then create custom signs that will help you work towards your preferred aesthetic. Just make sure the rest of your store follows suit with the bold new look you’re going for.

Make Sure They Catch the Eye

If you’re getting custom signs made for your store, then naturally, you want them to be seen by your customers and/or staff. So, whilst a small, subtle feature piece may be perfect for certain situations and businesses, more lively areas may require something a little more attention-grabbing.

Retail stores, for example, tend to have a lot of items/advertisements on display, as well as a lot of foot traffic throughout the day. Because of this, small signage is likely to get dwarfed and ignored in a sea of people and products. This is why most signage you see in retail is large, colourful, and can effectively be read from anywhere in the store.

Williams Engraved Wood Veneer Panels
With that said, eye-catching doesn’t have to mean gaudy or overly vibrant. A great example of subtle-yet-effective custom signs is the work that we completed for R.M. Williams. Given their traditional, rural aesthetic preferences, it didn’t make sense for their signage to be too extravagant. So, the finished product ended up using engraved wooden veneer panels as a tasteful way to display their branding. They may not be the most immediately prevalent feature pieces on their own, fitting seamlessly and stylishly into the preexisting style of the store, they ended up being a perfect choice.

Know Your Intentions

Not all signage is created equal, and different custom signs will be better and worse for different needs. The most major example of this is the difference between staff signage and customer signage. Say you’re the owner of a fast-food establishment and you need signage dictating correct usage and cleaning procedures for the deep fryer. Unlike, customer-facing signs that generally need to provide some aesthetic value, warning/usage signs need to be as clear, legible and as durable as possible to avoid damage or fading.

When discussing your designs with your laser cutting specialist, they should be able to point you in the right direction in regards to ideal materials for your needs. Just remember that the more information you have ahead of time, the better your overall finished product is likely to be.


At Vector & Raster, we have been providing custom signs to businesses across Australia for close to two decades. So, if you’re looking for a simple, stylish addition to your store, contact one of our laser cutting specialists today!

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