We love to get behind a good cause, especially when it’s one that we really feel we can help with. A fantastic example of this was the Mother’s Day Classic in Melbourne; an annually-held event that acts as the National Breast Cancer Foundation’s biggest fundraising drive each and every year. Naturally when we found a way that our services could be used to benefit the people putting their all into this wonderful event, we jumped at the chance.
The National Breast Cancer Foundation asked us to provide them with a quote to get face painting stencils made for their event. However, given that it was for such a good cause, we offered to donate over 300 stencils to be used across practically every major city and regional centre. The organisers had seen a lot of positive feedback from the limited number of stencils made the previous year, and wanted to get a much larger batch done so that regional events could have access to them, not just the capital cities.
We produced artwork for two separate stencil designs: The Mother’s Day Classic flower and the pink ribbon, both of which are iconic symbols of the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Once designs were acquired from the MDCF, we began creating our plastic stencils. As you can see from our event photography, the finished product turned out great!
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